Friday, January 28, 2011

3 words

So I've been playing around with turning my 3 words into one.

Turned-on, Immensity, and Beauty have become
"be-turn-ity" and "eau-turn-ity".

Be-turn-ity has two meanings:

1. The pollinator of time and space.
2. To be that which will be.

The smell of forever.

That's all for now. I have some pollinating to do...


  1. Hey Hey JJ,
    I love where you're going with this!
    My wife Nancy is a natural perfumer--let me know if you want to come over and indulge in escential perfumity in yr quest for eau-ternity!

  2. The way you are merging your three words is a brilliant idea! Keep with this, I am excited to see whats to come!

  3. totally brilliant, jj. wow! can't wait to see what comes of this!
